Good time of the day!
The last month of 2020, December, has passed, and there are some news of our Quazom projects.
More to come!
The mobile app development team
Bank and discount card application

We have implemented functionality that depends on an external financial service – FinAPI.
We have developed most of the API methods for ready-made functionality from the website, for screens of a mobile appl.
We have carried out several works on binding the screens of the mobile app with the developed API.
Passenger Carrier Mobile Application
The project was evaluated by the development team using the Story Points method.
We have been continuing the three-way communication between the client and the EBRD for the grant.
We introduced analytics to analyze user actions.
Added the ability for the driver to take orders for loaders.
We are implementing a new view of the main screen, which will allow the user to create an order 1 step less than before.
Scooter Rental

Had more than 20 conference calls to clarify the parameters of the statement of work and development using the Scrum method.
Created a SoW document describing the main and additional functionality of the app, interfaces, data exchange module, data transfer protocols, as well as a description of the principle of operation of the communication module.
Created a sketch of an app to control the device.
Evaluated the project with leading experts.
We signed a contract for the communication module development./p>
Prepared the server for deploying the project.
We started to describe the administration panel of the software complex.
Statement of work for apps:
The description of the SoW of the project related to cargo transportation is 85% ready. We made improvements to a number of processes for creating orders via the mobile app.
Testing for 90% of the statement of work for the mobile app of the Personal Services Exchange project was completed.
Website Development Team
Big Ben
We carried out a description of the SoW, approval, and assessment of the additional 5 stage of development – new, combined types of tasks.
Development of an additional 4 development stage – a module of group lessons.
Other Projects
Launched contextual advertising for the “Bonus” real estate agency in Mariupol.
Updating the content of the website of the Mykolaiv factory of mattresses and products from flax “Ecotex”.
Marketing team
We have been monitoring of contextual advertising on mobile development, statement of work, and testing services for our sales department. Compared to the previous month, the number of leads decreased by 47%. Of all the leads received, the warm audience was 31%. In December, lead generation conversion decreased by 39%.
Posted SMM on our Facebook, Instagram accounts, increasing the number of subscribers by 2.5%.
Launched the targeted Facebook ads for lead generation.
Prepared 8 initial assessments for requests for the creation of SoWs, the development of mobile apps and websites using the project calculation calculator.
Sales and communications team
In December, we presented our services in Skype/Zoom for a 100% “warm” audience of lead generation.
Estimates were prepared and commercial offers were sent to 9% of potential customers.
Participation in professional development training from an expert sales coach.
We signed a contract for technical specification and development of a mobile app using the Scrum method.
We can’t say that this year was easy, far from it. But it has brought us many interesting projects with which we enter the New Year 2021! We strive only for the best, come with us!